Judy and I finished our paper work to leave Costa Rica. We now have a tentative date for the Panama Cannel, next Wednesday or Thursday. When we know for sure we will let you know. You can watch live feed on a web cam from the cannel as Quest goes through the Cannel. Quest got a load of fuel today and is ready for the trip to the cannel. Judy and I after our trip to town hang out at the bar for the most part on the internet drinking ice tea. Mike and Donna from Cape James came over to enjoy our air conditioning and have a drink. It was, again, a day like I had envisioned before we started this “QUEST”.
One couple, one boat, one plan: to travel from Portland Oregon, through the Panama Canal, around the Yucatan, and through the Great Loop of the United States. With little experience, a commercial grade life raft and more than enough fuel to make it to scene of the crash they begin their journey. What's to come next no one knows but if we stay tuned we'll be sure to find out...
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
It’s me again, the Capitan. We are starting to see what a small world this cruising stuff is. When we went to bed last night the La Masquerade was at anchor across from us and today Cape James is at the dock right next to us. Both boats we have seen and talked to for the last 2 or 3 weeks.
It really sounds like a rough life. Let us all know the site for the live cam, this is probably the closest I will see the panama cannel, Debbie